For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
I have known fear. I have felt that growing, ever nagging fear of failure many times in my life. I’m pretty sure I’ve known it since I was born. Many of us experience this.
Why? What is in us that makes us so scared to fail? That kind of fear that cripples so many of us from even trying. Because somehow if we don’t try at least we can’t fail.
Simple answer is fear is from satan! The enemy knows that if he can keep us crippled by fear he can keep us from walking forward with Christ. If we’re too afraid to try to walk into the freedom Jesus promised us, then the enemy can keep us bound up. This in turn will keep us from doing the kingdom work God has called us to.
I’m trying to be honest here but even this is a scary situation for me. Putting your fears out there for the whole world to see opens you up to others as well as facing those fears. I’m ready to face those fears though! I have to say that to myself loud and proud as it’s still not easy and sometimes I’m really still trying to convince myself!
I have been scared to let my family down as well as myself by choices I make. Even ones I’m sure were good at the time. I’ve been afraid of looking foolish if I don’t succeed at things I put out there for the world to see. What if I pour my heart and soul into something I feel God has called me to do and I fail? Does that make me look weak? What will people think of God if I’m such a failure?
If I looked in a mirror more often I would tattoo to my forehead, “If God calls me to it HE will see me through it!” God can’t fail. I’m not saying I can’t fall on my face, but not trying is the bigger failure. When God calls me to do something, even if it looks like a failure to the world, my obedience IS success!
Let’s just say that one more time to really get that to sink in – “My obedience IS success”.
I’m making the daily choice to stand up to these fears and call an end to them. I realize I can’t do it on my own. It’s only with the help of the Holy Spirit in me that I can say no to fear!
Father God, I have tried to fight fear on my own in the past and lost the fight. Please forgive me! I know I can only truly be free from the grip of fear by trusting YOU with my life. Help me to follow wherever YOU lead and do it without fear.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Amen! Praying that prayer with you, friend! Faith and Fear are both spiritual forces... they fight against each other and I don't know about you, but I would much rather make room for Faith! Glad we are neighbors today over at Jennifer Lee's place!